"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal- is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey with delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinder, and jolts, interspersed occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."---Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
Leelou Blogs
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Loss of words..............

Sometimes I am at a loss for words....... really I am. I want to post photos.. I want to yell actually. I want to have a conversation with God and I want him to explain why. I really dont want to hear that it is all part of a big plan.....I want things to make sense that dont...

Instead I sit here and cry. I sit and think about my friend who is losing her battle with cancer. I think about her family and her children and all of those that love her so very much. I will be glad that she is no longer in pain, altho I really think the whole thing just stinks.

I will hug my children... and feel thankful even in the midst of such sorrow. I will feel so thankful for all that she taught me and I will cling to that when my days feel too long. I will open the photos of her on my computer and see her smile and remember.

she is so amazing... i will make her proud.


Melz Spot said...

You already have! And while I've never met Ann, I've felt her spirit through you and the lessons you've learned from spending time with them. Kelly, you're amazing! In all your busy-ness let your heart find that quiet whisper that says "Be Still and Know that I am". Thanks for just being you! Love yer guts my little Holden Homie! hee hee

Teresa Pomerantz said...

I am sorry you and your friend are going through this- I will keep you in my prayers that you will stay strong.

Menjiness said...

Kelly, my heart goes out to you and her family. May all of you be strong in the days to come. May you always honor you dear friend.

Emmett Family said...

Kelly, I'm so sorry that you're going through this, I know how you feel, and my heart goes out to you. It's the pits feeling so helpless. If there's anything that we can do to help just give us a ring.

Emmett Family said...

I'm so sorry that you're going through this. It's not an easy thing believe me I do know how you feel. Let us know if we can do anything to help you out.

Anonymous said...

Kelly - I needed to read this post today. Thank you. I am so sorry to hear about your friend -- it is an awful thing that I don't understand either. Take good care,